Vaccinations: The Clearer Metaphysical Perspective

Vaccinations: The Clearer Metaphysical Perspective

As the much-hyped SARS-CoV-2 pandemic moves through December and into the New Year of 2021, this mass event continues to bring our attention to a variety of questionable beliefs we’ve glorified as “truths” in the collective Western mind. This post focuses upon the...
What has the weather, Brexit, political reform, astrology, climate change, cyclone Idai, Shemima Begum, and the tragic shootings in New Zealand got to do with our shift in consciousness? Part 2 of 2.

What has the weather, Brexit, political reform, astrology, climate change, cyclone Idai, Shemima Begum, and the tragic shootings in New Zealand got to do with our shift in consciousness? Part 2 of 2.

Brexit deadlock illustrates a stuck political system because of political parties and individuals clinging onto power.
A metaphysical perspective on climate change.

What has the weather, Brexit, political reform, astrology, climate change, cyclone Idai, Shemima Begum, and the tragic shootings in New Zealand got to do with our shift in consciousness? Part 1 of 2.

What has the weather, Brexit, political reform, astrology, climate change, cyclone Idai, Shemima Begum, and the tragic shootings in New Zealand got to do with our shift in consciousness? Part 1 of 2.

Astrological readings point to a period of political reformation after the British leave the EU. This triggers worldwide reform of governmental constitutions and organizational systems over the next few years.

Now Trump’s in, What do I do About My Fear? (Part 1 of 2)

Now Trump’s in, What do I do About My Fear? (Part 1 of 2)

In my last post (Will Trump trump Brexit?) I said, “It doesn’t matter who’s elected [as President]. What crucially matters is that we take heed of the psychic communications encapsulated by the feelings and emotions the events stir up within each of us.” Now that...
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