Vaccinations: The Clearer Metaphysical Perspective

Vaccinations: The Clearer Metaphysical Perspective

As the much-hyped SARS-CoV-2 pandemic moves through December and into the New Year of 2021, this mass event continues to bring our attention to a variety of questionable beliefs we’ve glorified as “truths” in the collective Western mind. This post focuses upon the...
Ebola – the new Black Death (part 2)

Ebola – the new Black Death (part 2)

We can regard the Ebola outbreak in West Africa as an event calculated (at a higher level of human consciousness) to shock us into a realization that our (collectively held) thoughts and beliefs surrounding social equality are still in desperate need of revision. The...
Ebola – the new Black Death (part 2)

Ebola – the new Black Death

Originating in Asia, the Black Death was an epidemic that became a pandemic in China, the Middle East, and Europe between 1346 and 1353. Generally known as “The Great Plague” at the time, the bacterium responsible was carried by fleas that infested the fur of the...
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