Welcome to Module 8
In this module, we focus on the inner senses, a set of senses offered by the inner self to augment the five physical senses and clarify our perception of reality.
The prevailing modern worldview is based on a perception of reality that relies solely upon information supplied by the physical senses, which is then interpreted by a mind that relies solely upon intellectual acuity and thought processing. Be warned, the higher the intellectual acuity, the more convinced the ego-self can become of the validity of this method of perception.
The currently developing postmodern worldview—a consequence of our collective shift in consciousness—will base its perception of reality on a broader gathering of information from both inner and outer senses for a more adaptive mind, one that is able to include feelings and emotions in combination with intellectual acuity for use in its deliberations.
Module 8 content:
The article – Part 1 – takes you through Seth’s ten “laws of the inner universe” and the Law of Attraction highlighted in other metaphysical literature. These are the basic principles involved in the creation process. In other words, they are how Consciousness works to create anything—be it physical or nonphysical in form. I devised the ten Natural Principles from these laws to provide an understandable and practical guide as to how you, the individual, should behave (physically, but primarily mentally) in order to create the reality you prefer. It is important to be familiar with these laws and principles before practicing the use of your inner senses. (20-minute read, or 26-minute audio.)
There is a ‘Say that again in a Nutshell’ version of Seth’s ten inner universal laws for ease of reference and help in familiarization.
The article – Part 2 – takes you through the inner senses as described by Seth and Elias. (20-minute read, or 23-minute audio.)
There is also a ‘Say that again in a Nutshell’ version of Seth’s nine inner senses – Your Inner Senses – again for ease of reference and familiarization.
Be sure to visit the Module 8 section of the Resources page for further material related to the inner senses.
There are two exercises in this module. The first one, the Clarity Exercise, (5 minutes) is an offering from Elias designed to get you truly in touch with your five outer senses so that you will be able to better focus your attention when meditating on your inner senses. There is no audio of this exercise, just the document of instruction. When you are familiar with this exercise and feel you are noticing a change in your appreciation of one or more of your outer senses, then move onto the second exercise:
The second exercise, PsyTime (audio of 18 minutes), is derived from a number of sources, not least Seth’s “Psy-Time” exercise.[1] It is semi-guided, in that you are guided into ten minutes of silent meditation. Practice will eventually bring an awareness of the inner sense of Psychological Time (refer to the Nutshell guide ‘Your Inner Senses’). Carefully read the PsyTime Script before listening to the audio. Click on the button below:
[1] See Roberts, J. The Seth Material. Manhasset, NY: New Awareness Network Inc. 2001, pp. 280-281.
Do please share your experiences with the practices and exercises and any questions that arise from the material in the Forum. You are always free to email chris@cwejohnson.com if you would prefer to ask me something privately.
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In Module 9:
We explore Feelings and Emotions. Feelings are independent energy forms, distinct from emotions, that signal to your conscious-mind an imminent transfer of information directly from your inner self. Emotions too are independent energy forms that express themselves in the physical realm through physical action. For us lovely humans, feelings and emotions include a communication, which provides a clue to any psychological restrictions (invariably a belief) that may be hindering the flow of Source energy through you.