Back in April, under the headline In Gratitude and Appreciation of Donald Trump, I posted my views on a mass event that had forcibly seized the attention of the US populous and millions of others across the globe—the race for the Republican nomination for the US presidency, with a certain Mr. Trump endearingly staking his claim. At the time, I deliberately chose the word alarming to describe the disturbing prospect of Mr. Trump winning the Republican candidacy. Alarming, not only because of Donald’s clearly exhibited personality flaws, but also to suggest that the unfolding events had to be a wakeup call not just to the American electorate, but to any nation or community of people purporting to practice democracy.

The main point of my post however, was to highlight the deep-seated psychological issue bubbling to the surface of our conscious awareness and causing events to manifest in such a barefaced way. That core issue, long since congealed to the bottom of humanity’s collective unconscious, is the feeling of powerlessness (particularly when it comes to affecting the status quo) that permeates the minds of the majority of individuals. Raucous rallies, reviling rhetoric, and revolting violence are obvious signs of this insidious feeling seeking recognition and resolution.

As if to highlight the importance for everyone to deeply consider the psychological foundations of this prolonged mass event, Donald Trump, as you may know, won the Republican candidacy—so becoming one step closer to being the most powerful man in the world. (Yikes!) Surely the briefest contemplation of this reality in the making is enough to rouse the most complacent individual and have them clambering to cast their vote. Does humanity need a President Trump to trump the wakeup call of Brexit? Would this ultimately divisive probability really need to happen before we get the message that our governmental systems require a revolution? Joe Brewer, in his article Political Revolution is About Waking Up, keeps my “awakening” theme moving:

Real political revolutions are an evolution of social consciousness. They transpire when it is no longer acceptable to perpetuate the social norms that maintain status quo institutions of power. They are about recognizing that the way we show up in conversations has an influence on our peers. And together we can change things within ourselves, together in groups, and ultimately by replacing organizations-of-old with better alternatives.

Remember Brexit?

In June, over on this side of the pond, we Brits manufactured our own wakeup call by voting to “Brexit” from the European Union. Just over half of those who voted chose to resoundingly slap the face of Prime Minister David Cameron (an old-Etonian representative of the present elitist political setup), and reassert Britain’s independence in the world. The English (not so much the other nationalities within the destabilizing “United” Kingdom) proletariat, who feel powerless to change their lot under the current system of government, demonstrated their frustration by metaphorically slapping David and shouting “’Ear, never mind all your privileged ways, what about us ordinary folk?”

In a recent channeled session, when quizzed as to the Brexit vote, Elias (Mary Ennis) suggested a more positive side to what many in Europe regard as a backward step into separation. Elias drew attention to the irony of the British peoples—in recent history a somewhat elitist culture that has dominated the world—now choosing to experience the exciting yet scary prospect of independence for themselves—something they have been reluctantly granting their dominions (begun by the US in 1783) over the 20th Century.

With any new-found independence, whether for the individual or a nation, comes the opportunity to scrutinize the Self, to go within and examine the values and beliefs that will characterize the personality as a new identity is formed. For the Brits, it’s no longer appropriate to be perceived as elitist (a far more serious psychological form of separation), or now as isolationists, in a world that is shifting its global consciousness toward the benefits of cooperation, collaboration, and appreciation for the Oneness that draws together all expressions of humanity. Please excuse us for the moment as we go about some serious Self-examination.

Returning to the US presidential election, Danielle Egnew remarks in her blog:

This 2016 Presidential Election is not about the President at all, but about a demonstration in a shift of consciousness and in outmoded operating systems as we move from the masculine time frame into the feminine. Donald Trump is here to represent a dying consciousness; one of ego, victimization, bullying, narcissism, and the out-of-balance masculine.

Even to the die-hardest supporter of Donald Trump (your representative for the not-so-Divine Masculine Energy party) there is recognition that his actions and rhetoric are indicative of a flawed personality; but because of the hugely restrictive choice of “one or t’other” inherent within the voting system, Donald gets the nod—as he might just get things done! I’m not sure what things he will get done, other than building walls, but I don’t believe that initiating political reform is high on his presidential to do list. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand (your representative for the Divine Feminine Energy party), appears to be thoroughly ensconced within theHilary Clinton established political and corporate structures—and herein lies the dilemma. Should she become President, will her feminine values and principles continue to come to the fore in her decision making? Will her compassion, cooperation, openness and forgiveness—already exhibited in her political and private life—be reengaged in the daunting challenge of political reform and rewriting the American constitution? Is she capable of bringing her own form of resurgence to America’s independence?

Whoever wins the presidency will require the support of the people to remind her or him of the underlying message of the mass event. Simply put, if Hillary or Donald need reminding, it is time for radical political reform. As the contemporary philosopher Charles Eisenstein remarks:

It is perhaps necessary that Clinton and Trump are both such extreme expressions of the suppressed shadow of our culture, presenting itself in unambiguous form for clearing. The elites usually precede the people into cynicism. In any event, our current moment of social evolution is calling each of them, in their public roles, to be an avatar of a culture shadow archetype, presented to us in extreme form so that it cannot be ignored.[i]

It doesn’t matter who’s elected. What crucially matters is that we take heed of the psychic communications encapsulated by the feelings and emotions the events stir up within each of us.

Frustration and anger tell us that we perceive a lack of choice in an important process that should provide a plethora of choices. We thus need to act to change the systems that restrict our choices. Feelings of powerlessness tell us to reclaim our personal power and exercise it in accordance with what feels right for us. So, cast your vote in recognition that doing so is a demonstration of your personal power, and continue to express your power in an appropriate and transparent fashion as you address the challenges that will inevitably arise whichever candidate moves into the White House.

And it is transparency that will be a key feature in an evolved governmental system.

As Charles Eisenstein reminds us:

The trend toward transparency that is happening on the systems level is also happening in our personal relationships and within ourselves. Invisible inconsistencies, hiding, pretense, and self-deception show themselves as the light of attention turns inward. The tools of self-examination are proliferating on every level, from the personal to the collective.

The seat of power for any individual is not found in the White House, but within their Essence of being. Expressing one’s powerfulness in a benevolent way requires a commitment to Self-examination and an ongoing Self-governance that includes and balances both the masculine and feminine energies that drive human consciousness. Listening to and acting upon the messages of our feelings and emotions will direct our power—for the good of ourselves and the joy of others. As Danielle Egnew says, the responsibility of “excavating our own joy through layers of fear and mistrust and bitterness—is our task, and ours alone.”

Such evolved individual governance will bring about an evolved collective governance—one that will sustain the people, the environment, and the ecosystems of our planet. A balanced, transparent, egalitarian, global government system of the future rests upon the stability of individual Self-governance.

I end with this statement from Tim Kelley of the True Purpose® Institute for you to ponder when feeling anxious about what the future holds in store:

Transforming individuals, even leaders, is insufficient to create a world that works for everyone. We need to transform the systems themselves in order to fulfill this vision. We need to appreciate and understand the features of current society that we wish we could remove. All challenges that we are faced with now are actually necessary to our new world, often needed as a means to integrate capacities needed for our future success.

[i] From the article The Lid is Off, October 20, 2016 –

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