Do you fear for the world and its children—in light of the horrendous acts of violence committed by religious fundamentalists?

Have you lost faith in your Faith—in view of the latest and historic abuse carried out by those entrusted with the care of our children?

Why do we create such abhorrent events for ourselves? What makes us perpetuate such violent acts, and how should we respond to violence in order to remove it from our co-created reality?

The quick answer to the why, is that we are creating such events in order that we do something about one of our most pernicious beliefs entrenched within our collective psyche—that, as individuals, we believe we are disempowered.

The historic and still pervasive abuse of children, spouses, other life forms, and the Earth itself, together with the escalating acts of terrorism, might suggest that we are all off to “hell in a handcart.” This may well be the case if we do not deal with the beliefs we hold that can no longer be part of our psychological structure. Violent events are created by the disempowered. For violence to diminish in our reality, we must first address the belief that our individual power has no worth. [bctt tweet=”Co-created, painful “mass events” always tell us to examine and question our belief systems.”]

The atrocious events of recent months carried out by extremists, with the latest execution of an ISIS captive involving a young boy, illustrate just how delusional and psychotic people can become when feelings of disempowerment arise and interfere with the natural, “spiritual” drive to express one’s power—a drive that reproduces Divine Love’s propensity for us to be creative. Terrorists, of any description, believe that destructive acts are the best way to demonstrate one’s power, and this latest incident suggests that they think that the young should be taught this notion.

What makes us perpetuate such violence?

When asked by someone attempting to understand the nature of violent and abusive acts, our metaphysical friend Bashar (channeled by Darryl Anka) explains that the answer lies deep within our collective psyche. The seemingly endless cycle of violence we create for ourselves is a result of a deeply rooted belief that generates feelings of powerlessness. The majority of us subconsciously foster the belief that we are powerless in the world—unable to make any difference to it—a belief given to us and nurtured by a long-standing “investment in disempowerment” instigated primarily by our religious institutions.

If you are made to believe that you are powerless in the world, in direct opposition to Divine Love’s drive for creative “self-expression through connectivity,” then you will inevitably rebel. The disempowered “have only learned to express their connectivity negatively.” If you have not been taught to express your power through creativity, then your rebellious acts are likely to be ruinous ones. You will tend to “express your power through the only tool available to you—destructiveness.”

Bashar offers this poignant comparison between creativity and destructiveness:

What is easier and quicker to do—build a tower from the pile of building blocks at your disposal, or to knock down the tower that is already constructed in front of you?

Clearly, to knock down the tower is easier and quicker to do.

WHY? Because destruction – takes no power. It takes power to create.

We should all be aware that the perpetrators and the victims of violent and abusive acts are co-creating such events in order to alert us to this core destructive belief within our collective system of beliefs. Perpetrators imagine that horrendous acts will grab our attention and have us respond to their grievances. In actuality, when viewed from the perspective of a higher level of consciousness, their shocking tactics are really part of a grander design to have us all pay attention to the structure of our collective beliefs. We need to address the distortion within our belief systems that has us believe we are powerless.

In a nutshell, or nowadays in a “tweet”:

[bctt tweet=”The shocking acts of fundamentalists are telling us to address our fundamental beliefs.”]

“Negative” mass events are wake-up calls for us to get to grips with the beliefs that help create them. We should be looking inwardly, towards our beliefs, rather than looking outwardly as victims at present automatically do. The symptoms of “victimhood” include complaining, apportioning blame, and seeking justification.

How should we respond to acts of violence?

When asked about the more practical considerations of how to respond to those that see themselves as victims, or express themselves through violence, Bashar was again magnificently forthcoming:

The more actively involved you can become in helping to teach empowerment to those that have been taught disempowerment, the faster and greater the healing will be.

The idea is to allow victims and perpetrators to understand (provided they demonstrate a desire to), a way to feel empowered rather than disempowered.

Understand that abusers are abusers because they have been abused. They are only continuing a chain of abusive events.

Don’t look at victims as victims—because that is how they view themselves. You must view them as empowered beings with the ability to find their power and change their victim mentality. Give them the opportunity to change, should they wish to do so.

The victims and perpetrators of violence are together bringing our awareness to the belief held by many that we are powerless. Recognize this and honor the “sacrifice” both are making in the evolution of our thinking.


CompassionRather than react through anger, respond with compassion. Their current vibrational energy state is one of disempowerment, so don’t offer sympathy or pity as these are also disempowering. Instead, show compassion.

This can be done by simply sitting with them. You don’t have to take them out of what they’re feeling – the acknowledgement of the feeling is the first step in changing it. You can’t change what you don’t own (the feeling of powerlessness), so empathize with them as best you can – bring yourself into ‘vibration’ with what they’re feeling.

The way we collectively respond to victims and perpetrators at present perpetuates the cycle of violence we have thus far created for ourselves. Judging and blaming those involved with violence will sustain disempowerment – and thus abusive and violent acts – until you teach people how to regain their self-empowerment.

There is no judgment, blame, or justification involved in being compassionate.

Bashar again:

The idea is not to cajole them out of their feelings through using humor for example, but to be truly with them—then gently guide them, in a way appropriate to them, towards their naturally innate feelings of empowerment.

If you find yourself ‘rushing’ through using humor to pull them out of their disempowered state, this can indicate that you may actually be scared to feel what they are feeling and not wanting that in your reality. You must be strong enough to hold them in your energy arms while they go through what they need to go through and then gently coax them back into their own empowerment—when it’s appropriate.

So start teaching self-empowerment, to children, intermediates, or adults—whatever level makes you feel empowered!

Teach, [bctt tweet=”“The greatest power requires the lightest touch.” (Bashar)”]

The above quotations from Bashar have been reworded to some degree in the interests of brevity.

From the official Bashar website:

Bashar is a multi-dimensional extra-terrestrial being who speaks through channel Darryl Anka from what we perceive as the future. Bashar explores a wide-range of subjects with great insight, humor and a profound understanding of how reality creation occurs! New to Bashar?
Read  “An Introduction from Bashar.”


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