Kindle edition of How To Be In Divine LoveMy latest book is free to download at Amazon Kindle – only until Sunday August 30th, 2015.

Click here or on this cover to get you to the download page at Amazon.

This book explores the ten “Natural Principles” presented in my first book It’s About You! Know Your Self. Gleaned from spiritual and metaphysical wisdom, the Natural Principles provide you with an ethical and vital code by which to live your life. They are not a set of laws or commandments from on high; they are a purified set of behavioral guidelines—primarily mental behavioral guidelines—unadulterated by institutional dogma.

In addition to the “Law of Attraction,” the Natural Principles are at the heart of the vital power that drives the Universe, Consciousness – and your consciousness. They are the integral, intimate refinements that constitute the power of “Divine Love.”

As you become practiced in the Natural Principles, adhering to them as much as you can on a moment to moment basis, you’ll become less fearful, more self-assured, and trusting of your innate capabilities–thereby attracting to you the experiences you prefer in life.

When you are able to respond to any situation in accordance with the Natural Principles without having to think about them, you will be in Divine Love.

Just want a brief PDF “Reminder” sheet of the 10 Natural Principles to pin to the fridge?

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In gratitude and appreciation of you, Chris.

10 Natural Principles

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