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It's About You! Know Your Self is the first of a trilogy that integrates some of the most profound teachings from science, metaphysics, psychology, philosophy and spirituality into a set of experiential workbooks. The primary aim of the trilogy is to awaken the reader to their own personal intent and in so doing clarify the purpose of their life. Such knowledge equips us with the means to better manage those key areas within our lives—health, relationships, occupation and abundance—and begin living a more joyful existence.

Front-cover-Know-Your-SelfISBN: 978-1-78099-111-5 Paperback £18.99 || $33.95 || eBook £6.99 || $9.99 ||

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C.W.E. Johnson's new book 'It's About You! Know Your Self' presents a brilliant and provocative interpretation of the psychological concepts in the channeled literature. I highly recommend this book.

Dr. Brian L. Weiss - Author of Many Lives, Many Masters.

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In It's About You: Know Your Self, Chris Johnson peels away the layers that make up our personal identity to reveal a composite that is much more complex and majestic than we commonly believe. This book is a blueprint for discovering what really matters in life, a template for joy and fulfillment.

Larry Dossey, MD - Author of One Mind: How Our Individual Mind is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters. Logo - 2 - segments and heads

In this critical time for humanity, where our physical world is in deep trouble, each of us needs to know who we really are from a non-physical perspective to understand how we are all co-creating our future. Chris Johnson is a true scholar of our consciousness in all its aspects of knowing, being and action. The wealth of information he brings together from a remarkable number of sources and perspectives, along with its superb organization, makes this volume an unsurpassed resource for understanding yourself and others as we play out this and many more lives as co-creators in a conscious cosmos.

Elisabet Sahtouris, PhD - evolution biologist and futurist, author of EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution. Logo - 2 - segments and heads

At a time when psychology is becoming ever more reductionist and brain-based, Chris Johnson offers a new cartography of human consciousness that opens up the widest vista of understanding and thus provides a much more comprehensive picture not only of the deeper structure of the self but also of our potential for expansion and evolution through discovery of our deeper intent. The book is very clearly written and invites the reader on an exhilarating journey of self-discovery, integrating physical and non-physical understandings in a highly accessible fashion and providing some practical principles for more conscious living.

David Lorimer, MA, PGCE, FRSA - Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network. Editor of Science, Consciousness and Ultimate Reality. Logo - 2 - segments and heads

Our long dominant worldview of materialism is giving way in a shift in our individual and collective psyches awakening to a more spiritual knowing. Therefore, now more than ever before, we humans need teachers and guides grounded in an emerging truth we can trust. While weathering a difficult period in his life, and thanks to spiritual readings suggested by his father, Chris Johnson found himself moving beyond his own more traditional understandings into an awareness of a larger reality, a multidimensional view of the self, and the centrality of consciousness in all things. Increasingly guided by the teachings of 'Seth', 'Abraham', 'Elias', 'Rose', and others - whom he refers to as 'our metaphysical teachers', 'our channeled guides' - Johnson has done his homework well to become a burgeoning transpersonal teacher himself. He provides us here with an outstanding 21st-century metaphysical textbook to empower us to use more consciously our intention to change and enrich our lives and the reality we are manifesting.

Know Your Self - the first in a projected three book series, It's About You! - is an excellent, clearly-written and well-organized body of much-needed teaching for our challenging times, written 'to convey knowledge on the nature of our reality as we go about forming it,' and 'to make metaphysical material more believable!' Welcome, Chris, to the ever-growing number of good teachers and guides - both physically embodied and otherwise - here to remind us that 'the Source is always with you,' and working to birth a new age.

Professor Jon Klimo - author of Channeling: Investigations on Receiving Information from Paranormal Sources. Logo - 2 - segments and heads

Know Your Self is a remarkable synthesis of ideas from disparate sources with the potential to open people’s eyes regarding the most fundamental knowing of all - your Self. Although based primarily on the Seth Material it draws information from psychology, biological science, philosophy and from many other writers whose work is not otherwise easy to access for the general reader.

Lloyd Fell, PhD. - Author: Mind and Love: The Human Experience. Logo - 2 - segments and heads

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