Recommended Resources Module 09

In association with references made in the content material of the course, here are my recommended resources that should enhance your overall understanding of the key ideas and issues. A star rating (1-3), is an indication of their importance:

Module 9

Click on the button below for a PDF booklet explaining the underlying messages of feelings and emotions:

[fac_icontext icon=”file-pdf-o” text=”Feelings Explained, Emotions Tamed” shape_type=”rounded” shape_bg=”#f7d85d” icon_color=”#290d56″ icon_color_hover=”#8224e3″ text_color=”#290d56″ text_color_hover=”#8224e3″]

Feelings like disappointment, embarrassment, irritation, resentment, anger, jealousy, and fear, instead of being bad news, are actually very clear moments that teach us where it is that we’re holding back. They teach us to perk up and lean in when we feel we’d rather collapse and back away. They’re like messengers that show us, with terrifying clarity, exactly where we’re stuck. This very moment is the perfect teacher, and, lucky for us, it’s with us wherever we are. ― Pema Chödrön

Click on the button below for an audio meditation by Simon Rowe that encourages the development of your intuition. (20mins.) I’ve had to clip the beginning of the preliminary build up to the meditation because of loading restrictions, so simply make yourself comfortable in you favorite meditative posture and take a few deep breaths before starting the audio. (Remember that you can download the MP3 file to your pc by right clicking on the audio bar and then on ‘Save as.’)

[fac_button icon=”universal-access” title=”Simon Rowe meditation” text=”Developing Your Intuition” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”#1a0d54″ color_hover=”#1e73be” background=”#eded5c” border_width=”2px” border_color=”#1a0d54″ border_radius=”2px”]
Previous Resource Pages:
[fac_button icon=”universal-access” title=”Modules 1&2″ text=”Modules 1&2″ link=”” target=”_blank” color=”#110b47″ color_hover=”#8224e3″ background=”#eded6d” background_hover=”#eded6d” border_width=”3px” border_color=”#110b47″ border_radius=”5px”]      [fac_button icon=”universal-access” title=”Module 3″ text=”Module 3″ link=”” target=”_blank” color=”#110b47″ color_hover=”#8224e3″ background=”#eded6d” background_hover=”#eded6d” border_width=”3px” border_color=”#110b47″ border_radius=”5px”]      [fac_button icon=”universal-access” title=”Module 4″ text=”Module 4″ link=”” target=”_blank” color=”#110b47″ color_hover=”#8224e3″ background=”#eded6d” background_hover=”#eded6d” border_width=”3px” border_color=”#110b47″ border_radius=”5px”]      [fac_button icon=”universal-access” title=”Module 5″ text=”Module 5″ link=”” target=”_blank” color=”#110b47″ color_hover=”#8224e3″ background=”#eded6d” background_hover=”#eded6d” border_width=”3px” border_color=”#110b47″ border_radius=”5px”]      [fac_button icon=”universal-access” title=”Module 6″ text=”Module 6″ link=”” target=”_blank” color=”#110b47″ color_hover=”#8224e3″ background=”#eded6d” background_hover=”#eded6d” border_width=”3px” border_color=”#110b47″ border_radius=”5px”]
[fac_button icon=”universal-access” title=”Module 7″ text=”Module 7″ link=”” target=”_blank” color=”#110b47″ color_hover=”#8224e3″ background=”#eded6d” background_hover=”#eded6d” border_width=”3px” border_color=”#110b47″ border_radius=”5px”]       [fac_button icon=”universal-access” title=”Module 8″ text=”Module 8″ link=”” target=”_blank” color=”#110b47″ color_hover=”#8224e3″ background=”#eded6d” background_hover=”#eded6d” border_width=”3px” border_color=”#110b47″ border_radius=”5px”]

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