Just one more thing to do!

Do please check your inbox for an email that has your username and password along with a link to confirm your subscription.

Until you’ve done this, you remain in limbo – held as a ‘nearly subscriber’ amongst all the robotic nearly subscribers out in cyberspace. If you haven’t seen such an email and are definitely not a robotic crawler-bot type thingy, then let me know – info(AT)cwejohnson.com.

Clicking on the link will hopefully open up a whole new set of possibilities for your Self. You’ll be automatically added to my Newsletter/Blog updates list and begin receiving an occasional newsletter (no more than two or three times a year). You should receive notification of this shortly after ‘confirming.’

You should receive an email with your user name and password after confirmation. This will allow you to login to  my website and thus, when logged in, gain you access to Section 2 of my Offerings page. Clicking on the confirmation link in your email will open your browser and send you to my OFFERINGS page. Future logins are facilitated by clicking on the blue tab at the top right of the page.

In gratitude and appreciation of you, Chris.

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