Recommended Resources Module 06

In association with references made in the content material of the course, here are my recommended resources that should enhance your overall understanding of the key ideas and issues. A star rating (1-3), is an indication of their importance:

Module 6

[fac_icontext icon=”file-text” shape_type=”rounded” shape_bg=”#2f0c54″ shape_bg_hover=”#8224e3″ text_color_hover=”#8224e3″] Need convincing about scheduling a Kindfulness Day each month? Take a look at this article by Tamara Lechner at The Chopra Center on the personal benefits of expressing kindness.

Previous Resource Pages:
[fac_button icon=”universal-access” title=”Modules 1&2″ text=”Modules 1&2″ link=”” target=”_blank” color=”#110b47″ color_hover=”#8224e3″ background=”#eded6d” background_hover=”#eded6d” border_width=”3px” border_color=”#110b47″ border_radius=”5px”]      [fac_button icon=”universal-access” title=”Module 3″ text=”Module 3″ link=”” target=”_blank” color=”#110b47″ color_hover=”#8224e3″ background=”#eded6d” background_hover=”#eded6d” border_width=”3px” border_color=”#110b47″ border_radius=”5px”]      [fac_button icon=”universal-access” title=”Module 4″ text=”Module 4″ link=”” target=”_blank” color=”#110b47″ color_hover=”#8224e3″ background=”#eded6d” background_hover=”#eded6d” border_width=”3px” border_color=”#110b47″ border_radius=”5px”]      [fac_button icon=”universal-access” title=”Module 5″ text=”Module 5″ link=”” target=”_blank” color=”#110b47″ color_hover=”#8224e3″ background=”#eded6d” background_hover=”#eded6d” border_width=”3px” border_color=”#110b47″ border_radius=”5px”]

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