We shall be taking a break from our Musings over the 2024-2025 winter period. 

Next in-person meeting: Spring of 2025. By which time there will be a great deal to muse upon.

Metaphysical Musings was inspired by this astonishing Seth book: The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events.

Seth was a character channeled by the author Jane Roberts from the 1960s through to her death in 1984.

In this book I will try to tell you what goes on behind the scenes – to show you the ways in which you choose your daily physical programs, and to describe how those personal choices mix and merge to form a mass reality. (Seth, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events: A Seth Book. Roberts, J. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc.; 1981. p. 81.)

Seth on epidemics and greater species functions

Metaphysical Musings (MM) meetings offer a safe place for respectful, open, and non-judgemental discussion on what it means to be a spiritual person experiencing this physical reality. The group is for people who consider themselves spiritual but who may not feel comfortable with traditional religious doctrine. It’s about exploring your personal connection with Divine Love, whatever this may mean to you, couched in an environment of like-minded and like-hearted people for inspiring conversation.

The group’s focus is upon establishing a deeper understanding of our spiritual inheritance, fathoming the meaning behind the events of our shared 3D reality, and exploring the implications of our ongoing shift in consciousness.

To help us in our deliberations, we explore the most profound teachings found in the metaphysical literature on the nature of being human at this critical time.

Classical and contemporary channelled information from Abraham (through Esther Hicks) and Bashar (Darryl Anka), to Seth (Jane Roberts) and Zac (Janet Treloar), is utilised in understanding the context of our collective “shift in consciousness” and what this means for one’s own unique expression of consciousness.

Astrology—humanity’s first venture into metaphysical study—is also offered up as a practical way of keeping us informed of the higher cyclical influences acting upon our collective and personal circumstances. 2024 is a crucial, pivotal year for us all as we move through chaos into clarity, encouraged by Pluto’s full emersion into Aquarius in November 2024. Pluto’s energy encompasses matters of death and destruction (of outmoded structures, both physical and psychological), while overseeing rebirth, rejuvenation and regeneration. Pluto will remain in Aquarius until 2043. Aquarian energy facilitates invention and humanitarianism.

There will be topical revelations and synchronicities to discuss, to discover, and to keep us amused! Always remember, we are here (in physical reality) to have fun—ridiculous as this may seem at the moment! Be prepared to play as well as meditate and ruminate. 

Do bring along your inner curiosity and any provocative questions you may have on the physical, the non-physical, and the spiritual realms. Bring a friend if apprehensive, but book here online so I can keep my eye on the numbers, as there is a deliberately limited capacity.

In gratitude and appreciation of your presence, Chris.

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